姓名: 胡慧 性别:女
出生年月:1987年03月 籍贯:山东新泰
职称:副教授 职务: 无
毕业院校:南开大学 学位:博士
联系电话:0534-8987866 电子邮件:huhui723@126.com
1. 山东省自然科学基金青年基金项目:MOFs的阴离子识别材料的可控组装与性能研究,结题,主持
2. 横向课题:新型高孔隙率多孔吸附材料的研发及应用,结题,主持
3. 横向课题:具有发光性质的新型化学传感材料的研发与技术应用,在研,主持
1. 德州市第十六届优秀科研成果奖二等奖,同构镍/钴金属有机框架的构筑及选择性染料吸附与二氧化碳环加成催化性能,1/5
2. 中国有色金属工业协会科技进步奖二等奖,高效过渡金属有机框架吸附剂的设计开发与应用,6/8
1. Modulating the luminescent performances on blue-emitting coordination polymers via tuning the end-solvent molecules. CrystEngComm,2023, 首位
2. Tuning Carbon Contents and Further Capacitances of Coordination Polymer-Derived Carbonaceous Composites by Annealing Temperatures. Cryst. Growth Des, 2022, 首位
3. Two isostructural Ni(II)/Co(II)-based metal-organic frameworks for selective dye adsorption and catalytic cycloaddition of CO2 with epoxides. Chin. Chem. Lett, 2021, 首位
4. Acid-directed synthesis of three Cd-based metal–organic frameworks with luminescence and catalytic CO2 transformation properties. CrystEngComm, 2022, 首位
5. Three Mn(II) complexes based on 6-(3-pyridyl) isophthalic acid ligand: Structure modulation, stability and magnetic properties. Polyhedron, 2017, 通讯
6. Double-layer structure, sorption and magnetism properties of metal–organic frameworks with trigonal planar ligand. Inorg. Chem. Commum, 2015, 通讯
7. Three Mn(II) complexes based on 6-(3-pyridyl) isophthalic acid ligand: Structure modulation, stability and magnetic properties. Polyhedron, 2017, 通讯
8. Synthesis, structure and properties of (VIVO)2MII (M=Cu,Zn) trinuclear complexes derived from a new macrocyclic oxamido vanadium (IV)-oxo ligand. J. Mol. Sturct, 2013, 首位
9. Synthesis, structure and magnetic properties of heterometallic coordination polymers constructed from Cu(II)/Mn(II), H2bdc and H4btec. Inorg. Chem. Commum, 2013, 首位